Clinical Supervision

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For intern, associate and pre-licensure candidates seeking supervision in a supportive environment where curiosity, exploration and trying new things is encouraged and fostered. 

I Believe….

You deserve quality clinical supervision that offers more than just skill-building and intervention. 

Your own growth in self-awareness, understanding and compassion naturally extends to the client-therapist relationship, leading to lasting change.

Online across California, Oregon and New York

Individual and Group Supervision

Are you working for an agency that doesn’t offer supervision or looking for a more specific emphasis or approach? Are you seeking a safe space to explore ethics and boundaries - and perhaps not just your client’s response in sessions, but your own? I offer clinical supervision on an individual, triadic, and group basis to meet a variety of your needs and interests in an environment that respects your growth and learning process. The format and style of supervision is individualized to your unique needs and preferences.

Clinical Approaches and Treatment Modalities

Fortunately, there are many evidence-based approaches and modalities to choose from and they often play nicely when blended together as needed. Are you curious about a specific treatment approach or eager to practice a new set of skills with guidance and support? Explore effective strategies within your areas of interest and tailored to your client’s clinical needs and goals. Modalities include adult individual, couple, and group therapy in private practice, inpatient, and outpatient settings.

Practice Growth and Test Preparation

Need help growing a private practice, identifying opportunities and next steps on your career path, prepping for your licensing exam? One of the many beauties of your helping profession is the abundance of available paths to explore. The ways in which you may offer hope, support and healing are there for your discovery. I am here to support you along the way.

Schedule a complimentary consultation